Used Kia Cars

Here at RRG Kia in Bury, it’s our aim to ensure that all motorists in the region have the opportunity to secure exceptional value for money across the range of vehicles we have in stock. This includes the many used Kia cars that are currently available at our welcoming dealership. From used Kia Picanto through to used Kia Sportage models, we’re confident that you’ll be able to find a vehicle that ticks all the boxes and meets all your needs.

All used Kia cars available have been carefully selected based on quality and performance. As a result, you can rest assured that there are many years of enjoyable motoring to come. In fact, many of these used cars continue to be covered by the remaining warranty for which the marque is renowned, thereby ensuring you can purchase with the utmost peace of mind.

Click through the listings on this page to learn more about the various attributes each used Kia has to offer and view a selection of images to get a closer look at the vehicle of your choice. You can also buy or reserve your next model online.